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Monday, June 11, 2012

Positive Mental Attitude

If we have our mental attitude under control you may control almost all other circumstances which affect our life, including our fears and worries of every nature whatsoever.
 Our mental attitude is the major factor which attracts people to you in a spirit of friendliness, or repels them, according to whether our attitude is positive or negative; and you are the only person who can determine which it shall be.
A person with a negative mental attitude can sell nothing. He may lake an order from someone who buys something from him, but no selling was done. How important a Mental attitude?
Mental Attitude Can Be Negative or Positive. Only a positive mental attitude pays off in the affairs of our everyday living, so let us see what it is, and how we may get it and apply it in the struggle for the
Mental attitude can be influenced and controlled by a number of factors, such as:
By a BURNING DESIRE for the attainment of a definite purpose based upon one or more of the nine basic motives which activate all human endeavor. Everyone Can Perform "Miracles"
From this chapter, I have learned that our mental attitude is very important as most of our success depends on Positive Mental attitude. Author has talked about the mental attitude and how one can           achieve success by having positive mental attitude.
Mental attitude controls, very largely, the space one occupies in life, the success one achieves, the friends one makes, and the contributions one makes to posterity. It would be no great overstatement of the truth if we said that mental attitude is EVERYTHING.

Loved  this topic.................. <3.......................................

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