Surya's Blog

I cannot make my days longer so I strive to make them better

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

introduced to the world of passion, dreams and success

myslef being a student with the routine life of education, learning dreaming about the future is my daily life. Having completed my first year of graduation looking forward for the next academic year, it happened in the month of may. MY friend Praveen ( from my childhood day who is with me all time) introduced me to a person. it better say personality who at age of 21 achieved many titles, passions, awards. known as INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKER and ENTERPRENUER. there aer no words with me to tell about him. He is SUJIT LALWANI JI. he inspired me through his passion, personality, his speech. and he is my inspiration.

Through this i got introduced to the world of youngsters with reluctant passions, dreams and success. where i had learned which i had missed in my 12 years of education. Still learning many things. this set a goal for me and made me to dream big. taught me to live and learn to live in the world of passions.

i'm very thankful to Er.SujitLalwani ji for his inspiration.

"Dare! don't just dream."

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